Monday, August 6, 2012

Delicious Ice Cream Gollum Creature Eats Itself, Creeps Us Out


Here's a marketing hypothetical that no one has ever posed before: does cannibalism sell ice cream? Philadelphia ice cream parlor mini-chain Little Baby's Ice Cream has released two ads featuring an odd creature seemingly made of ice crea, which finds itself so irresistible that it shovels giant spoonfuls of the top of its own head into its mouth, and licks an ice cream cone in which a smaller version of itself sits. The spots are trippy, gross, strange, and.... really make me want some ice cream.

To be fair, though, pretty much everything makes me want ice cream.

Successful viral marketing: produce a commercial weird enough, and you don't even need to pay for it to appear on the air for people to start talking about it.

Watch This Weird Little Baby’s Ice Cream Shop Commercial [The Philly Post] (Thanks, Kelly!)

by Laura Northrup via The Consumerist

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