Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Target Thinks You Want To Be Hassled By A “Beauty Concierge” While You Shop


Taking a cue from department store beauty counters, where employees ply customers with samples and tell them they look fabulous, Target has begun testing the deployment of so-called "beauty concierges" at its stores in the Chicago area.

From the Chicago Tribune:

The concierges, who will be clad in all black, instead of Target's standard red, will wear aprons and nametags identifying them. They will be on hand roughly 40 hours per week at times posted in the store to provide "detailed, unbiased information" and "act as a friendly face in what can often be an intimidating department."

The concierges will stalk their prey while wielding iPads, mirrors and samples. It's all part of the company's plan to distinguish itself from online retailers by offering actual human customer service.

Target says the program "adds comprehensive service and education that many of our guests want and expect while shopping beauty."

Not mentioned in the Tribune article, but worth pointing out here, is that it's also a way for Target to bring in extra revenue from cosmetics and scent companies that would likely pay extra to have their products toted around and touted directly to customers by these concierges.

Target launches 'beauty concierge' program in Chicago [Chicago Tribune]

by Chris Morran via The Consumerist

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