Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Lenovo Sees Imaginary Address Discrepancy, Won’t Sell Me Computer


Lenovo's ordering system is set up to combat fraud. It's a little too good at its job, though, and is currently combating John's perfectly legit order of a new Thinkpad. What's wrong with his address? Nothing, according to his bank. But Lenovo insists that his information is wrong and they can't sell him a computer.

I've been following your Lenovo posts recently (June 20th) and I have to say that they are doing a really poor job with sales support. I too

am a devoted IdeaPad owner, and I just spent $860 to upgrade to a

ThinkPad with an extended warranty.

I'm getting the run-around from their address verification department.

Twice they've called my bank, twice they tell me the address doesn't

match. Twice I've called my bank, twice my bank has told me the

address is in the system and valid!

The Lenovo credit card department told me that they closed at 6pm

CENTRAL. After calling my bank again, I tried calling Lenovo back.

Turns out they close at 6pm EASTERN.

To share even more of my fun, I've waited on hold today for over 30

minutes calling their sales number before I just gave up. Also, the

main sales number at the top right corner of their home page is


My order hasn't been ignominiously canceled yet, but I suppose it's

just a matter of time.

It's a pet theory of mine that Lenovo is actually an elaborate anti-capitalist prank: a large company that pretends to sell computers, but really exists only to frustrate consumers and turn them against modern capitalist culture and make them want to live in an off-grid cabin in the woods or something. This is not, strictly speaking, true, but it's a fun joke to make when looking at cases like John's.

by Laura Northrup via The Consumerist

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