Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Identity Theft Suspect Has The Misfortune To Run Into His Victim At The Bank


Sometimes, timing can be everything. Catching a fly ball, running into an old friend on the street, buying a winning lottery ticket on your way home from work. One man had great timing when he went into his local bank to discuss some checks forged in his name for around $700. While there, he happened to run into the man who allegedly stole his identity. Convenient!

The 28-year-old victim was at the Medford, Ore. bank when the 37-year-old suspect showed up to try and cash another fraudulent check. The suspect tried to leave when he realized he was found out, and punched the victim's friend in the face as he attempted to flee.

The victim's pal didn't take that punch lying down and instead tackled the man outside the bank, which is where police showed up to arrest the alleged identity thief.

The man had ordered new checks recently, and cops think that perhaps the suspect had stolen them from the mail.

Police: ID theft suspect runs into victim at bank [Associated Press]

by Mary Beth Quirk via The Consumerist

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