As a result of a UK court's ruling that Samsung hadn't copied Apple's designs of products like the iPad and iPhone, a judge is now ordering Apple to explain to everyone that said ruling exists. Apple shouldn't be too upset, though. After all, that judge also said Apple's designs were way cooler than Samsung's.
The notice of the ruling has to be posted on Apple's UK site for six months as well as in British newspapers and magazines, in order to correct any impression that Samsung had infringed on its copyrights, said the judge.
It basically amounts to publishing an ad for Samsung, as no business likes to even mention a rival on its own homepage, notes Bloomberg.
In the July 9 ruling, the judge said consumers wouldn't confuse the Galaxy tablets and iPads for the simple reason that Samsung's stuff is "not as cool." He did, however, decline a bid from Samsung to issue an injunction that would prevent Apple from publishing public statements that Samsung had copied it. "They are entitled to their opinion," he said.
Apple is currently embroiled in various other patent lawsuits around the globe, including HTC and Google. Those companies are all leveling copying charges against each other, with fights in Germany, Netherlands and the U.S. just between Apple and Samsung.
“Should Apple continue to make excessive legal claims based on such generic designs, innovation in the industry could be harmed and consumer choice unduly limited,” Samsung said in a statement after the hearing, while Apple declined to comment.
Apple Must Publish Notice Samsung Didn’t Copy IPad In U.K. [Bloomberg]
by Mary Beth Quirk via The Consumerist
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